“The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer. The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today.” – Nolan Bushnell

The Online Business Startup Guide

Everything you need to start a simple business online is time, few bucks ($50), internet connection and a laptop. Yes, it’s that simple to start, but remember, there is no guarantee that you will be successful. The most important factors to succeed are your long-term devotion and your willingness to learn new things (as you go).

Before you Start

Before you start reading this Guide, bear these things in your mind:

1. You can be successful online!
Everyone can accomplish success online if he/she tries hard enough. The internet is a huge marketplace. There are billions of people out there and they need information, advice, help, services and products. You can find your role in that world, provide value for those people and make money out of that. You just have to stick to your dreams and be determined to succeed.

2. Don’t get easily overwhelmed!
Anything new can appear to be overwhelming at first, but don’t worry; you will quickly get the hang of things. If you already have experience and tech knowledge that’s great, but it is definitely not a requirement. You will learn everything you need by doing. Sometimes, you may need assistance for some tasks or issues, but there are easy ways to get help.

3. Success doesn’t come overnight!
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or fail. Don’t quit easily. Everything you learn or do now, and every step you take will contribute towards your success in the future. Rome was not built in a day; your business won’t be either. Even if you fail at your fist journey, you will gather valuable knowledge and experience for your next.

About the Guide

The main goal of this Guide is to provide a simple flow of all necessary information and resources for starting and running a web business. The information and instructions placed in the guide are free, understandable and implementable even for beginners.

Another intention of the guide is to motivate and push the wannabe online entrepreneurs to start their first online business. Don’t be afraid of failure, most of the entrepreneurs don’t succeed on their first attempt. Therefore, don’t just read, but start doing the things, step by step. You will learn everything you need as you go.

At some points our guide might get detailed, but you can always skip the main text and go to the summary of each topic and glance the most important aspects you should know.

When using this guide, there are three (3) different approaches;

  • The first (1) one is to read the entire guide, afterwards start your business and mark your progress using the startup checklist. The checklist will then help you easily find explanations and essential resources in the guide wherever you need them.
  • The second (2) approach (that we recommend) is to read and implement the guide step by step while you use the checklist alongside. This way you will be able to learn how to start an online business by doing (as you go) without reading everything upfront, what can be demotivating, can take too much time or can be easily neglected or forgotten later when you start your journey.
  • The third (3) approach is to start with the Online business startup checklist and use the guide as a reference in the areas where you will need information and more detailed knowledge. The third approach will help you quick-start your online business, if that’s what you are looking for.

So, unless you prefer the first approach, download the complementary Quick Startup Checklist right now. There you can mark-up you progress right away since our recommendation is to start making the first steps today.

Good luck, and may your endeavors meet your expectations!


Warning: If you want to get rich fast, Biizly.com and this Guide are not for you. Anyone that promises so, just wants to trick you and take your hard earned cash (or get your precious attention).
